Opus Plasma: The Next Generation of Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures

Opus Plasma: The Next Generation of Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures

Opus Plasma _ Soleil Medical Spa LLC _ Portland, OR

The introduction of Opus Plasma has been an important breakthrough in the ever-changing field of cosmetic treatments, establishing itself as a key player in non-surgical skin rejuvenation. This state-of-the-art technology harnesses the power of plasma energy, offering a unique alternative to traditional laser treatments. With its promise of reduced downtime and enhanced results, Opus Plasma is setting new standards in the field of dermatology and aesthetic medicine.

What is Opus Plasma?

Opus Plasma is a cutting-edge skin rejuvenation system developed by Alma Lasers, a leader in surgical, medical aesthetics, and aesthetic equipment. It represents the first fractional plasma technology to hit the market, bridging the gap between fractional lasers and surgical procedures. 

The system uses metal pins that emit plasma (ionized gas) at high frequencies to deliver controlled micro-injuries to the skin. This process stimulates the skin’s natural healing mechanism, promoting the production of collagen and elastin.

Benefits of Opus Plasma

Opus Plasma offers several benefits, making it a great alternative for non-surgical cosmetic procedures, particularly skin rejuvenation. Here are the key advantages:

  • Reduced Downtime: One of Opus Plasma’s most significant benefits is its minimal downtime. Unlike more invasive laser treatments or surgical procedures, Opus Plasma allows patients to return to their daily activities relatively quickly. This reduced recovery time is a significant advantage for those who need to fit treatments into a busy schedule without significant disruption.
  • Versatility: Opus Plasma is exceptionally versatile and capable of treating various skin types and concerns. It can be used on different parts of the body, including sensitive areas like the face, neck, and chest, as well as the hands. This makes it ideal for addressing multiple issues, including fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and uneven skin texture.
  • Customizable Treatments: Opus Plasma features adjustable settings that allow practitioners to customize treatments to meet the unique skin conditions and goals of each patient. This ensures that everyone receives a personalized treatment optimized for their specific needs and achieves superior results.
  • Safety: Designed with safety in mind, Opus Plasma uses fractional plasma technology to deliver energy precisely to the skin. This precision reduces the risk of potential side effects and complications associated with other skin rejuvenation methods. The controlled application means that practitioners can avoid over-treatment, further enhancing safety.
  • Efficacy: Opus Plasma effectively stimulates the skin’s natural healing processes, promoting collagen and elastin production. This improves skin firmness and texture, diminishing the appearance of aging signs and other skin imperfections. Patients often notice improvements after just one treatment, with optimal results typically visible after several sessions.
  • Comfort: Compared to traditional laser treatments, many patients find Opus Plasma to be more comfortable. The treatment involves less heat and less surface damage, which generally results in a more tolerable experience during and after the procedure.
  • Quick Treatments: Sessions with Opus Plasma are relatively quick, generally lasting between 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the area being treated. This efficiency is beneficial for both patients and practitioners, allowing for the treatment of multiple areas in a single session if desired.

How Does Opus Plasma Work?

Opus Plasma operates through a sophisticated technology that combines fractional plasma with radiofrequency, targeting the skin at a microstructural level. By ionizing the air between its metal pins and the patient’s skin, the device produces plasma, which causes regulated micro-injuries that encourage the skin’s natural healing processes. This process encourages the development of collagen and elastin, two vital proteins that improve the skin’s suppleness and structure.  

Each session with Opus Plasma is quick and customizable, typically lasting 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the treatment area. As the skin heals, it remodels itself, leading to visible improvements in texture and appearance with minimal downtime. Following treatment, individuals can quickly go back to their usual activities, with the exception of minor redness and swelling that quickly goes away.  

Ideal Candidates

Ideal candidates for Opus Plasma treatments are individuals who are looking for non-surgical solutions to improve the appearance of their skin. Here are specific types of patients who would benefit most from this technology:

  • Those with Early Signs of Aging: Individuals experiencing early signs of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, are excellent candidates. Opus Plasma can help tighten the skin and effectively reduce these signs.
  • People with Acne Scars: Opus Plasma is useful for people who want to make acne scars appear less noticeable. The treatment promotes skin regeneration, smoothing out scarred areas and improving overall skin texture.
  • Individuals with Uneven Skin Texture: Opus Plasma can significantly improve uneven skin texture or enlarged pores. It helps refine the skin’s surface, offering a more even and smooth appearance.
  • Patients with Sun Damage: Opus Plasma is suitable for treating sun-damaged skin. It can reduce hyperpigmentation and restore a more uniform complexion.
  • Anyone Seeking Minimal Downtime: Due to its quick recovery time, Opus Plasma would appeal to patients who prefer cosmetic treatment with minimal interruption to their daily lives.
  • Patients in Good General Health: Ideal candidates should be in good health overall, without active skin infections or certain medical conditions that might impair healing or react negatively to the treatment.

Post-Treatment Care

After an Opus Plasma operation, proper post-treatment care is essential to getting the greatest results and guaranteeing a quick recovery. Here are key guidelines to follow:

  • Gentle Skincare: After the procedure, it’s important to treat the skin gently. Use mild, non-irritating cleansers and moisturizers to avoid aggravating the treated areas. Avoid using harsh exfoliants or topical treatments that contain irritating ingredients like retinoids or strong acids until the skin has fully healed.
  • Sun Protection: Protecting the skin from the sun is critical after treatment. Always wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least 30 SPF, and reapply as needed, especially if you anticipate spending a lot of time outside. This helps prevent new sun damage and avoids exacerbating the treated areas, which are more susceptible to UV rays.
  • Hydration and Avoidance of Irritants: Keeping the skin hydrated is essential. Use hydrating serums and creams to help soothe and repair the skin. Additionally, avoid potential irritants such as chlorine in swimming pools, and stay away from environments with extreme heat or cold, as these can irritate the newly sensitive skin.

By following these aftercare tips, patients can help ensure that their skin heals optimally, leading to better and longer-lasting results from their Opus Plasma treatments.


Opus Plasma leads in non-surgical skin rejuvenation, offering advanced, efficient treatments with minimal downtime, appealing to those seeking noticeable improvements without surgery. Soleil Medical & Beauty Spa champions the latest in skincare technology with Opus Plasma at the helm, a cutting-edge fractional plasma technology that customizes treatments to precisely target wrinkles, uneven texture, and pigmentation issues, ensuring optimal results for each individual. Discover the rejuvenating effects of Opus Plasma at Soleil Medical & Beauty Spa and unleash your skin’s ultimate beauty.

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